Climate Change Symposium

Paris Climate Treaty “Earth Day”
Saturday, June 1st 2019
Because the joy of speaking should never fade away
Finding Solutions
Global warming or Climate change is caused primarily by putting too much carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere when coal, oil, and natural gas are burned to generate electricity or to run our means of transportation. Let’s talk about a solution. Join us, Saturday January 13th 2018, from the Florida International University {FIU} starting at 1 to 6 PM. We are having a virtual dialogue with the rest of the world on the right approach to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide, and an attempt to help heal the Ozone layer in the upper atmosphere. A Treaty is : A formally concluded and ratified agreement between Countries. The Paris agreement was never ratified by the Senate of the United States of America. Donald Trump has a valid Point. Let’s make a few adjustments.
“Solutions” Will Be Found In Emerald City Technologies