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New Construction Technology



Armatron Systems is a new 3D House Printing Company that has an extensive patent pending portfolio for onsite 3D House Printing (currently about 300 pages with about 50 figures and about 200 claims), encompassing many significant improvements over the the current 3D House Printing companies. With Armatron’s vision and intention to revolutionize the building industry, Armatron offers new technologies for global housing solutions worldwide, providing high-speed, accurate and sustainable construction ranging from small, simple third world houses to very large, complex exotic resort structures and virtually everything in between. Read More…..


Basalt Rebar reinforcement is an alternative to steel and fiberglass for reinforcing concrete. Made from volcanic rock basalt rebar is tough, stronger than steel and has a higher tensile strength. Much lighter than steel, 89% percent in fact! One man can easily lift a 100 meter / 328 foot coil of 10 mm basalt rebar. Basalt rebar is naturally resistant to alkali, rust and acids. Read More…..


Contour Crafting can significantly reduce the cost of commercial construction. Projections indicate costs will be around one fifth as much as conventional construction. Contour Crafting promises to eliminate waste of construction materials. Contour Crafting construction projects will be extremely accelerated; for example a 2000 square foot house can be constructed in less than 24 hours. …..Read More


ECOncrete® offers a suite of fully constructive bio-enhancing concrete products and designs that increase the ecological value of urban, coastal, and marine infrastructure, while improving their structural performance. ECOncrete’s® proprietary technologies and innovative designs bring concrete to life with a unique combination of fieldtested bio-enhancing admixtures, …..Read More


TetraPOT is a sea defence sustainable system made of concrete, organic materials and plants. It comes with plant seeds in a decomposable pot. Randomly distributed TetraPOTs along coastlines will eventually interlock to create a long-lasting sea defence of growing trees and roots that help keep the blocks in place. As plants grow inside out from TetraPOT, Read More……


D4 Energy Group was founded on the belief that through advanced technology we can have an impact on our global quest for clean energy and a green planet. With this as our guiding principal, we have built our products and systems to produce clean energy from common waste, empowering anyone anywhere to play a key role in easing our planets energy crisis, while cleaning the environment. Read More……